CBD and skin problems
CBD oil can also be used to fight against skin problems. Indeed, the active ingredients of CBD have soothing, moisturizing properties as well as an action on the balance of the immune system, allowing to limit the hormonal excitement. It is in part these hormonal changes that will have an effect on the excessive production of sebum. CBD oil can be a good therapeutic remedy for minor to moderate skin problems such as rashes, allergies, eczema, or psoriasis.
Cancer and CBD: not a miracle solution, but a comfort solution?
CBD oil can be used for several reasons in the context of cancer. When suffering from cancer, one of the treatments consists of chemotherapy leading to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea/constipation, fatigue, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and various pains.
CBD as a complementary treatment would allow reducing the expression of these symptoms by having an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antiemetic effect (against vomiting and other digestive disorders).
Some studies are also interested in the role of CBD in the prevention of certain cancers. It would prevent, or at least significantly reduce cell proliferation, would stimulate immunity, and would have an action on the metabolism of body energy.
CBD, therefore, seems to be a treatment indicated in the prevention of cancer as well as in the treatment of the symptoms that it can cause once constituted. However, we should take this promising information with a grain of salt; do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice.
Obviously, CBD should never replace your medical treatment!

CBD: sleep and concentration
Many hypotheses seem to be in favor of the beneficial effects of CBD on sleep and concentration. Indeed, by respecting a precise dosage and regular consumption, CBD oil can be an effective treatment to fight insomnia and improve sleep quality. CBD is also known to have a relaxing effect on our state of stress. When we improve our quality of sleep, this state of stress decreases all the more and thus favors a better concentration.
CBD to fight against stress
When suffering from stress, the use of CBD in addition to other therapies may also be indicated. In alliance with behavioral therapies, yoga sessions, or acupuncture, it will strengthen the mental appeasement.
Is CBD a natural treatment for back pain?
Before looking at CBD and more specifically CBD oil from CBG Seeds for back pain treatment, we need to understand where our back pain comes from.
When we talk about back pain, we are referring to any pain around the spine, namely, cervical, back, and lumbar. These pains can have several causes and result from various and varied mechanisms, it is thus difficult to target the origin of backache in a precise way.
However, a lot of back pain is due to “false movements”, repeated movements, carrying heavy loads, or a bad posture held in a prolonged way which will generate a muscular contraction to protect the area. It is these muscle contractions that will lead to the occurrence of pain in the areas that are incriminated.
CBD oil is known for its soothing, relaxing, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, and therefore has several actions against back pain of muscular origin. Indeed, it will allow a relaxing and soothing effect on the muscles of the back which can be curved or even contracted. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory action will make it possible to decrease the influx of the cells of the inflammation towards the muscular fibers, the vasodilatation of the blood vessels as well as the nociceptive information towards the brain. The reduction of inflammation is essential for the reduction of pain and preventing relapses because it makes the muscle fibers enter a vicious circle which has the effect of weakening them even more.